Welcome to Kai's link collection. Nothing of the stuff below has been produced by me, and I do not give any guarantees. It's just a collection of links to the outside cyberspace.
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Google Web:
Mozilla Bug
Google Groups:
Public transport in Brüssel.

Phone number prefixes of mobile phone networks in Germany:
D1: 0151, 0160, 0170, 0171, 0175
D2: 0152, 0162, 0172, 0173, 0174
E+: 0155, 0163, 0177, 0178
O2: 0159, 0176, 0179
or call to find out. D1:4387(voice) D2:12313(voice) E+:10667(voice) O2:4636(sms: netz rufnummer)
sticky notes:
build a binary RPM from a source RPM where the executables contain debug info:

Make a .rpmrc containing:

optflags: i386 -g

and a .rpmmacros containing:

%_topdir %(mkdir -p /tmp/{BUILD,RPMS/i386,SOURCES,SRPMS,SPECS}; echo "/tmp")
%_srcrpmdir /tmp/SRPMS

Then rpm -ivh the src.rpm and put this in the /tmp/SPECS/package.spec file:

%define __spec_install_post /bin/true || :

Then rpmbuild -bb /tmp/SPECS/package.spec.